
How to make a WordPress theme for beginners


Developing a WordPress theme requires a structured approach and familiarity with certain technologies. This tutorial is designed to guide beginners through the process of creating a WordPress theme from scratch, focusing on essential files and coding practices. With a prerequisite understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP, you’ll learn how to set up a development environment, structure your theme, and utilize WordPress Codex and the actual WordPress reference documentation for troubleshooting along the way.

Table of contents

  1. Understanding WordPress Theme Development
  2. Prerequisites and Essential Languages
  3. WordPress Architecture: Traditional vs. Headless
  4. Development Tools: Why Choose Local by Flywheel
  5. Anatomy of a WordPress Theme
  6. Essential Theme Files Explained
  7. The Role of functions.php in Your Theme
  8. Styling Your Theme with style.css
  9. The Purpose of index.php
  10. Diving Deeper: The single.php File
  11. Understanding header.php, footer.php, and sidebar.php
  12. Enqueueing Scripts and Styles: Best Practices
  13. Security Considerations in Theme Development

Understanding WordPress Theme Development

WordPress theme development involves creating a set of files that dictate the visual presentation and layout of your website. Themes control everything from the color scheme and layout to page structure and user interface.

Prerequisites and Essential Languages

Before starting, you should be familiar with HTML, CSS for styling, PHP for server-side logic, and a basic understanding of JavaScript and jQuery for dynamic content interaction.

WordPress Architecture: Traditional vs. Headless

WordPress traditionally follows a monolithic architecture, where the front end and back end are tightly integrated. This contrasts with headless architecture, where WordPress serves as a back-end content management system (CMS) only, and the front end is built with modern JavaScript frameworks, offering more flexibility and decoupling content from presentation.

Development Tools: Why Choose Local by Flywheel

Local by Flywheel is a popular tool for setting up a local WordPress development environment. It simplifies the process of managing local sites, providing an accessible platform for theme testing and development without affecting a live site.

Anatomy of a WordPress Theme

A WordPress theme typically includes layout templates (PHP files), a style sheet (style.css), a functions file (functions.php), and often JavaScript files, images, and other assets. These components work together to define the theme’s appearance and functionality.

Essential Theme Files Explained

  • style.css: Defines the visual styling of your theme.
  • index.php: Serves as the default template for displaying content.
  • functions.php: Enables you to add custom functionality and features to your theme.

The Role of functions.php in Your Theme

functions.php acts as a plugin and is used to add features or modify certain aspects of your theme, such as supporting post thumbnails, custom menus, and enqueuing scripts and styles.

Styling Your Theme with style.css

The style.css file not only contains the styling rules for your theme but also includes a header section that defines key metadata about your theme, such as its name, author, and description.

The Purpose of index.php

index.php is the primary PHP file in a WordPress theme, responsible for generating the default layout of your site’s pages if specific templates (like single.php or page.php) are not present.

Diving Deeper: The single.php File

single.php is used for displaying single posts. It allows developers to customize the presentation of articles, blog posts, or custom post types.

Understanding header.php, footer.php, and sidebar.php

  • header.php contains the header section of your site.
  • footer.php defines the footer area.
  • sidebar.php is used to include a sidebar, adding widgets, or additional content.

Enqueueing Scripts and Styles: Best Practices

Use the wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() functions within your functions.php to safely add JavaScript and CSS files to your theme, ensuring they’re loaded correctly and avoid conflicts.

Security Considerations in Theme Development

Security is paramount in theme development. Always sanitize and validate data, adhere to WordPress coding standards, and keep your themes updated to protect against vulnerabilities.


This guide has outlined the foundational steps and components involved in WordPress theme development. With a focus on understanding essential files like functions.php, style.css, and index.php, you can now go and start playing around with your own custom theme, you are also equipped with the knowledge to tackle more advanced topics and enhance your custom theme further as this was only the beginning and there’s still plenty to learn.


WordPress theme development is a skill that offers vast opportunities for customization and creativity. By starting with the basics, practicing regularly, and utilizing resources like the WordPress Codex and development communities, you can enhance your themes and contribute to the WordPress ecosystem. Remember, the key to mastering theme development lies in continuous learning and experimentation.