
An introduction to Express.js in 2024


In the ever-evolving field of web development, Express.js stands out as a minimalist yet powerful framework for Node.js, facilitating rapid development of web applications and APIs. This article aims to thoroughly educate beginners on Express.js, guiding you from initial setup to understanding its core functionalities and best practices. For further exploration, the official Express.js GitHub repository offers extensive resources and community-driven support.

Table of contents

  1. What Is Express.js?
  2. The Evolution of Express.js
  3. Getting Started with Express.js
    • Prerequisites
    • Your First Express.js Application
  4. Core Concepts of Express.js
    • Routing
    • Middleware
    • Handling Requests and Responses
  5. Advanced Features
    • Templating Engines
    • Error Handling
    • Security Best Practices
  6. Useful Resources and Documentation
  7. Conclusion

What Is Express.js

Express.js is a lightweight framework for building web applications and APIs on top of Node.js. It simplifies the server creation process, allowing developers to focus on unique application features rather than reinventing the wheel for common tasks.

The Evolution of Express.js

Developed by TJ Holowaychuk in 2010, Express.js quickly became an integral part of the Node.js ecosystem, praised for its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability. Over the years, it has seen significant growth, with a vibrant community contributing to its development and maintenance.

Getting Started with Express.js


Install Node.js from the official website.

Your First Express.js Application:

  1. Create a project directory: mkdir my-express-app && cd my-express-app
  2. Initialize a Node.js project: npm init -y
  3. Install Express.js: npm install express

Example Application:

Create an app.js file with the following code:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Welcome to Express.js!');

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server running on port ${port}`);

Run your application: node app.js. You’ve just created a basic Express.js server!

Core Concepts of Express.js

Routing: Defines how an application responds to client requests to a particular endpoint.

Middleware: Functions that have access to the request object, response object, and the next middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle.

Handling Requests and Responses: Express.js simplifies the process of managing incoming requests and crafting responses.

Advanced Features

Templating Engines: Express.js supports templating engines like Pug and EJS, enabling you to generate dynamic HTML content server-side.

Error Handling: Express provides a robust framework for managing errors, ensuring that your application can gracefully handle unexpected issues.

Security Best Practices: Regularly updating dependencies, using HTTPS, and leveraging middleware like helmet can help secure your Express.js applications.

Useful Resources and Documentation

The Express.js GitHub repository and official documentation are invaluable resources for developers. They offer detailed guides, API references, and community insights to help you deepen your understanding of Express.js.


Express.js remains a cornerstone of modern web development in 2024. Its ease of use, coupled with the power of Node.js, makes it an excellent choice for developers looking to create fast, scalable web applications. Whether you’re building a small project or a large-scale application, Express.js offers the tools and flexibility needed to succeed.